Xanthelasma Surgical Removal

Whats involved in surgery for xanthelasma ?

Surgical Removal Of Xanthelasma

One of the risks of xanthelasma surgery is that you will most likely have surgical excision marks. The wounds will most likely be a little red and bumpy at first, but they will look much better in two weeks and will continue to heal for the rest of the year, though the white scars from the treatment will always be visible. After a week or two, the stitches are removed, and the wounds should not cause any further difficulty to the individual.

Removal Of Xanthelasma is done as an inpatient operation under local anaesthetic (although general anaesthesia may be needed in extreme cases). To limit the risk of the treated xanthelasma relapsing, your cosmetic surgeon will remove the whole Xanthelasma in a single procedure.

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When the time comes for surgical surgery for xanthelasma, there is a recommendation for a simultaneous blepharoplasty to get the best potential cosmetic effects. Following the surgical removal of the Xanthelasma plaques, future consultations will be scheduled to ensure the continued success of the xanthelasma surgery.

Xanthelasma can be treated surgically or under regional anaesthesia in practise; it all depends on size and the distortion created by the Xanthelasma to warrant Xanthelasma surgical excision. If the Xanthelasma is constricting the eyelid and impairing the individual’s vision, surgical intervention is an option to explore if indicated by your dermatologist.

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Following the surgery, an antibiotic ointment is administered to the site as recommended, and the white or yellow spot is first formally designated as surgically removed. To speed up healing, the wound is usually closed using a liquifying stitch (medical superglue).

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Is Xanthelasma Surgical Removal A Good Treatment Option For Plaques?

The fact is that for a large percentage of customers who have had surgical treatments on their Xanthelasma, they still have scars in the area for years, turning one skin disease to another, keloids, which is why surgical excision of xanthelasma should be regarded as a last resort. This is one of the key reasons we advise against surgical removal of xanthelasma, since it can leave scars, and even additional surgical excisions may be required to aesthetically deal with these scars, which can result in excessive skin loss in the long term.

The best strategy to avoid the risk of Xanthelasma recurrence is to keep a healthy lifestyle and use Xanthel ® once to eradicate the xanthelasma in a more controlled and defined manner.

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If you are presently suffering from xanthelasma and would want to obtain professional treatment for this condition, utilise the professional therapy in the comfort of your own home, Xanthel ®, which has the quick results of surgical treatment but leaves no scars.

Surgery For Xanthelasma.

When xanthelasma becomes so large and out of control that it begins to misshape the eye and seriously impairs the individual’s eyesight, surgical removal is the backbone of therapy, especially when the xanthelasma is anchored deep dermis and has penetrated underlying muscles. Based on our experience, we believe that when larger sores exceeding 15 mm in size appear, your options for removal are limited to surgery or Xanthel ®. Skin grafts are required with the surgical option to maintain the cosmetic continuity of the eyelid regardless of the depth of the sore.

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Although numerous fairly intrusive treatments are routinely recommended, surgical excision is one of the most dependable procedures for dramatically reducing the risk of regression when the plaques have misshaped the individual’s eyesight. This is also true with Xanthoma planar, which has spread to the point that the entire eyelid and cheek skin has taken on a yellowish hue.

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Before proceeding with the xanthelasma surgical option, you should be aware that the procedure can leave a highly defined scar, and if the cholesterol deposits are huge or thick, surgical treatment may not completely eradicate them.

Xanthel ®, a professional Xanthelasma cream, provides the benefits of surgery but can be done in the comfort of your own home, with only one application, and leaves no scarring.

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Xanthelasma Cream

Xanthel ® is designed to help rid you of your Xanthelasma, without penetrating your skin too deeply, this prevents scarring and marks. Xanthel ® is one of the most successful treatments on the market, known for its ability to also help halt the regrowth of your lesions.

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