Defining Xanthelasma

A Basic Overview Of Xanthelasma

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A Typical Example Of Xanthelasma Palpebrarum. 

The protrusion of the yellow plaque is not too big on this client. The expansion rate and the course of the condition can vary with every individual. Whilst some may be lucky and the creep rate of the plaques is small, for some, they can expand very fast and engorge a much higher percentage of the eyelids in a very short time. 

Can Xanthelasma be connected with heart disease or other medical issues?

They may indicate an abnormality in circulating triglycerides but often occur in otherwise healthy individuals. Xanthelasma Palpebrarums’ are a particular type of Xanthoma, sometimes called Xanthomas when in a group. They are a yellowish deposit of fat underneath the skin, usually on the eyelids and/or around them. The word “Xanthelasma” is made up of “xanth-” from the Greek roots “xanthos” (yellow) and “elasma” (plate) = a yellow plate, so called because these are yellow plaques. These lesions appear in those individuals whose body is unable to efficiently break down fats into usable energy.

Sometimes diabetes, hypothyroidism, liver problems, and most prominently genetics, can all contribute to its growth and cause the Xanthelasma. Since Xanthelasma are fat formations, they are normally not painful.  In the general population the frequency of this condition has been reported between 0.3% and 1.5%. Sufferers range from 15 to 73 years with a peak in the 40s and 50s. We will be further investigating what causes your Xanthelasma in this site.

picture of cholesterol spots

Are Xanthelasma Harmful?

Although these are very visual skin lesions, fortunately they are purely cosmetic and superficial and they do not grow too deeply into the dermis. The fat responsible resides between the superficial part of the dermis and the epidermis. Therefore, successful treatment and removal, without leaving scarring, is easily feasible. Various management techniques are examined ranging from using Garlic, Castor oil, all the way to TCA, Surgery and Removal creams.

Even though these deposits themselves will not hurt you, they may be a sign that you have dangerously high cholesterol levels and could be at a higher risk for heart disease. It is always a good idea to be checked out by your GP. For more details about the possible health indicators that this skin condition can be an indicator to, go to Understanding Xanthelasma Causes.  

Understanding Xanthelasma Palpebrarum.

xanthoma causes

A skin problem is one of the major causes of low self-esteem. People who suffer from this condition often experience the worry and anxiety that comes with having to deal with a such a skin condition. Often time’s, the skin condition causes the sufferer stress and psychological trauma. The best way to solving a problem is to first understand the cause. has been created to inform sufferers understand not only on the causes, but on how it can be treated. We also create awareness on the possible health conditions this can lead to. We will cover a brief overview of this condition and provide Xanthelasma faqs and treatments further in the site.  

What Is Xanthelasma?

This skin condition is characterized by a small yellow manifestation, mainly on the side of the eyelids close to the nose. Although it is quite small, a lot of sufferers are very self-conscious of them even though they are not easily noticeable by others because of its size.

Xanthelasma, which is triggered by fatty deposits of cholesterol beneath the skin surface, presents as bumps or swelling on the skin. The middle and top layers of the dermis is where you find the xanthoma cells and in some serious cases, Xanthelasma penetrates into the muscle layer of the skin.  

Are My Xanthelasma Dangerous In Any Way?  

Doctors do not consider Xanthelasma Palpebrarum dangerous to one’s health, as it is not life threatening. However, because this condition may signify an underlying serious health issue like a heart disease, stroke or heart attack, doctors would advise immediate medical examination to its sufferers. After advice from a doctor, the next step people take is to look for advice on Xanthelasma Removal. We can advise you all the way, with help on Xanthelasma treatment and Xanthelasma removal.  

Xanthelasma Palpebrarum Medically Explained. 

A high cholesterol level can cause Xanthelasma but it can also be found in patients with normal or low level cholesterol. The most frequent questions that sufferers of this condition ask is: what causes Xanthelasma? There are good and bad cholesterol. Whilst good cholesterol is known as HDL (high density lipoprotein) bad cholesterol is known as LDL (low density lipoprotein) low levels in the HDL as well as high level in the LDL can be a trigger of Xanthelasma. Liver disease and familial hypercholesterolemia popularly known as inherited high cholesterol are the other causes of Xanthelasma. This condition will most likely not cause any form of physical distress itself. Loss of vision is often not considered a factor when the question of removal comes up. 

Is There A Cure For Xanthelasma Or A Treatment That Works?

xanthel the xantelasma removal cream 1
xanthelasma on eyelids

A Typical Example Of Xanthelasma Palpebrarum. 

The protrusion of the yellow plaque is not too big on this client. The expansion rate and the course of the condition can vary with every individual. Whilst some may be lucky and the creep rate of the plaques is small, for some, they can expand very fast and engorge a much higher percentage of the eyelids in a very short time. 

Can Xanthelasma be connected with heart disease or other medical issues?

They may indicate an abnormality in circulating triglycerides but often occur in otherwise healthy individuals.

Xanthelasma Palpebrarums’ are a particular type of Xanthoma, sometimes called Xanthomas when in a group. They are a yellowish deposit of fat underneath the skin, usually on the eyelids and/or around them. The word “Xanthelasma” is made up of “xanth-” from the Greek roots “xanthos” (yellow) and “elasma” (plate) = a yellow plate, so called because these are yellow plaques. These lesions appear in those individuals whose body is unable to efficiently break down fats into usable energy.

Sometimes diabetes, hypothyroidism, liver problems, and most prominently genetics, can all contribute to its growth and cause the Xanthelasma. Since Xanthelasma are fat formations, they are normally not painful.  In the general population the frequency of this condition has been reported between 0.3% and 1.5%. Sufferers range from 15 to 73 years with a peak in the 40s and 50s. We will be further investigating what causes your Xanthelasma in this site.

Images Of Cholesterol Spots

Are Xanthelasma Harmful?

Although these are very visual skin lesions, fortunately they are purely cosmetic and superficial and they do not grow too deeply into the dermis. The fat responsible resides between the superficial part of the dermis and the epidermis. Therefore, successful treatment and removal, without leaving scarring, is easily feasible. Various management techniques are examined ranging from using Garlic, Castor oil, all the way to TCA, Surgery and Removal creams.

Even though these deposits themselves will not hurt you, they may be a sign that you have dangerously high cholesterol levels and could be at a higher risk for heart disease. It is always a good idea to be checked out by your GP. For more details about the possible health indicators that this skin condition can be an indicator to, go to Understanding Xanthelasma Causes.  

Understanding Xanthelasma Palpebrarum.

Causes of Xanthoma explained

A skin problem is one of the major causes of low self-esteem. People who suffer from this condition often experience the worry and anxiety that comes with having to deal with a such a skin condition. Often time’s, the skin condition causes the sufferer stress and psychological trauma. The best way to solving a problem is to first understand the cause. has been created to inform sufferers understand not only on the causes, but on how it can be treated. We also create awareness on the possible health conditions this can lead to. We will cover a brief overview of this condition and provide Xanthelasma faqs and treatments further in the site.  

What Is Xanthelasma?

This skin condition is characterized by a small yellow manifestation, mainly on the side of the eyelids close to the nose. Although it is quite small, a lot of sufferers are very self-conscious of them even though they are not easily noticeable by others because of its size.

Xanthelasma, which is triggered by fatty deposits of cholesterol beneath the skin surface, presents as bumps or swelling on the skin. The middle and top layers of the dermis is where you find the xanthoma cells and in some serious cases, Xanthelasma penetrates into the muscle layer of the skin.  

Are My Xanthelasma Dangerous In Any Way?  

Doctors do not consider Xanthelasma Palpebrarum dangerous to one’s health, as it is not life threatening. However, because this condition may signify an underlying serious health issue like a heart disease, stroke or heart attack, doctors would advise immediate medical examination to its sufferers. After advice from a doctor, the next step people take is to look for advice on Xanthelasma Removal. We can advise you all the way, with help on Xanthelasma treatment and Xanthelasma removal.  

Xanthelasma Palpebrarum Medically Explained. 

A high cholesterol level can cause Xanthelasma but it can also be found in patients with normal or low level cholesterol. The most frequent questions that sufferers of this condition ask is: what causes Xanthelasma? There are good and bad cholesterol. Whilst good cholesterol is known as HDL (high density lipoprotein) bad cholesterol is known as LDL (low density lipoprotein) low levels in the HDL as well as high level in the LDL can be a trigger of Xanthelasma. Liver disease and familial hypercholesterolemia popularly known as inherited high cholesterol are the other causes of Xanthelasma. This condition will most likely not cause any form of physical distress itself. Loss of vision is often not considered a factor when the question of removal comes up. 

Is There A Cure For Xanthelasma Or A Treatment That Works?

before and after

Whilst there isn’t a cure, removing the plaques and getting any possible health issues in check, will mean an end to your Xanthoma.We will explain several Xanthelasma Palpebrarum treatment options available, with the goal of helping you get all the awareness you require, no matter what your concerns on this skin condition is. Xanthelasma Palpebrarum can affect the psychological well-being of the patient. It doesn’t have to, with the help of us, you’ll be on the way to sitting back and watching your Xanthelasma just disappear.

It is important to get all your information from a respectable doctor or authority website like before choosing a treatment plan as this will allow you make a guided and well informed decision. There are several treatment options available and removal may not be required depending on the seriousness of the Xanthelasma, the sufferer faces.

Xanthelasma differs from other skin conditions as it has several treatment options. It is however important to get a good knowledge of all the treatment options available, before deciding if you’re going to try out one of the treatment methods or go with the removal procedure.  

Seeking Medical Advice

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Like any medical condition, you should get a professional opinion from a medical practitioner or a doctor. The information found on this website will help you get a good understanding of this skin condition and you might be able to diagnose your condition however it is very essential to get a proper diagnosis from a medical practitioner.

Your Next Steps

The first step to take if you think you have this condition is to make an appointment with your doctor for a proper diagnosis. There after we advise that you use our website as your main resource when it comes to understanding Xanthelasma, finding out the available treatments for the condition, being informed on the implications of the removal, as well as the underlying health risks that can be associated with it. Your overall well-being, physically is essential and knowing that will allow you to make the best decision for you.

We will help you understand your skin condition completely. We are here to help.

xanthel xanthelasma cream

Xanthelasma Cream

Xanthel ® is designed to help rid you of your Xanthelasma, without penetrating your skin too deeply, this prevents scarring and marks. Xanthel ® is one of the most successful treatments on the market, known for its ability to also help halt the regrowth of your lesions.