Help And Advice On Xanthomas And Xanthoma As A Whole.
Understanding Xanthoma.
Skin is the largest organ of the body and is frequently exposed to many toxins and chemicals. Naturally, skin is also a common site of growths, ulcers and many other kinds’ lesions. Furthermore, metabolic derangements and toxicities within the body are frequently expressed on the skin.
Xanthomas are a specific kind of condition that involves the skin and are common among the general population. There are numerous reasons why these growths develop. Here we describe this pathological condition in detail, examining the many attributes of this disease to help you understand what this condition really is.

What is a Xanthoma?
Basically, a Xanthoma is a fatty growth that starts accumulating beneath the skin and ultimately protrudes from the surface. It can be defined as an overgrowth of xanthelasma, which are also fatty patches beneath the skin.
They can be found in children and adults alike, most of the time presenting from the late 30’s onwards. Chronically, as the fat and lipid accumulation increases, the xanthelasma patch starts taking shape of a nodule.
Now it is called a Xanthoma. They are formed by the progressive accumulation of lipid-laden foam cells or histiocytes that give the lesion its characteristic pale color. Histiocytes are the macrophage cells of our immune system that are normally present in our tissues to protect us from pathogens.
There are different kinds of xanthomas. Usually, these lesions indicate lipid disorders, with lipid accumulation as the primary problem. They can be present when a client has normal cholesterol levels as well, but this is rare.
Distribution of Xanthoma Xanthomas can be found all over the body. However, they are usually found at certain sites, which include:
Joints, especially;
- The elbows and the knees
- Hands
- Feet
- Buttocks
Xanthomas may be single lesions or they may appear as a cluster in an area. It may also involve only one part of the body, or it can affect different parts at once. These lesions can have different sizes and different shapes. Some people may have a xanthoma that is as small as a pinhead, whereas others can have xanthomas as large as grapes. Usually, these lesions appear as small bumps underneath the skin which may have a yellow or an orange color. The lesions can be itchy and may be slighter tender to the touch, however, often there is no pain at all.
Classification of Xanthoma
There are many kinds of xanthomas. Some are differentiated due to their color or contents, others are differentiated due to their cause and still others due to the course they take.Here we describe some of the basic types of xanthomas which will help you differentiate and diagnose your condition also.
For more classification and explanation of each Xanthomas classification, just click on a box below.

So, What Is The Reason Behind These Lesions?
Why do they form and what is the link of the predisposition of certain parts of the body? Well, usually, xanthomas result from a genetic defect in lipid metabolism. Normally, lipids combine with protein to form lipoproteins, which are associated with the transportation of lipid.There are different kinds of proteins, but it’s the LDL and the VLDL that are responsible for the derangement’s.
Many genetic defects, including hypo-lipoproteinemia or some other defect such as hypertension, hypothyroidism or nephrotic syndrome may be at the core of the disease. The patho-genesis involves an increasingly elevated number of lipo proteins which are taken up by tissue macrophages.
They are partially digested, which results in the formation and deposition of macrophages in the skin and ultimately, Xanthoma.
There are many ways of diagnosing the condition. As a small bump beneath the skin may mean anything, proper work up is required. Plus, as the disease is associated with some chronic, debilitating diseases, screening for diabetes, hypertension, and other heart diseases is of significant value.
Normally, serum lipo protein levels, blood tests, and urine tests are performed. Genetic defects can be identified by DNA profiling or by using specific serum markers.
Xanthelasma Cream
Xanthel ® is designed to help rid you of your Xanthelasma, without penetrating your skin too deeply, this prevents scarring and marks. Xanthel ® is one of the most successful treatments on the market, known for its ability to also help halt the regrowth of your lesions.
Simple to Use
Easy to use and formulated to help stop any regrowth of your xanthelasma or xanthomas. Gentle and effective, professional results with Xanthel ®.
Effective And Fast
Just one application is needed in most cases, to help remove your xanthelasma once and for all.