Easy Xanthelasma Treatments

Xanthelasma Palpebrarum

These plaques usually appear around the eyes. It’s a common lipid disorder. The plaques are cholesterol engorged skin cells and look yellow in colour on the skin.

Xanthelasma Palpebrarum

Health Implications

Xanthelasma and xanthoma plaques can be a sign of issues with your health. High cholesterol levels are a main common reason for these yellow bumps appearing.

Xanthelasma Causes

Xanthelasma Treatments

Xanthelasma treatments can greatly vary in their effects. Some Natural Xanthelasma treatments can take time and the results are varied. Explore more.

Treatment For Xanthelasma

Xanthelasma Removal

There is now an easy and modern day solution to help with removing Xanthelasma plaques, that leaves no scars. Just one application and you can Be Xanthelasma free.

Xanthelasma Cream

We are here to help you with Your Xanthelasma Treatment Options.

Everything you need to know about Xanthelasma Palpebrarum and Xanthoma.

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What Are Xanthelasma?

The most common type of Xanthoma plaque are xanthelasma. When Xanthoma plaques congregate around the eyes, they are referred to as Xanthelasma.

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Xanthelasma And Health

The majority of the time, the plaques are caused by lipid disorders. Too much cholesterol in your bloodstream can play a role in the formation of Xanthelasma and Xanthoma.

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Xanthelasma Treatments

If you have Xanthelasma plaques around your eyes, we will walk you through the various treatments on our treatment page.
We will also go over effective Xanthoma Removal options.

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Removing Xanthelasma

Xanthel ® was created to help treat and eliminate Xanthelasma and Surface Xanthoma. Xanthel ® helps remove plaques quickly and easily, resulting in effective, professional results.

Below is a full set of links explaining What Xanthelasma Is, pictures of Xanthelasma and also various way to treat and remove it.

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Xanthelasma Cream

Xanthel ® is designed to help rid you of your Xanthelasma, without penetrating your skin too deeply, this prevents scarring and marks. Xanthel ® is one of the most successful treatments on the market, known for its ability to also help halt the regrowth of your lesions.

client testimonials

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Karen Wheet

Grand Rapids, MI